Monday, August 3, 2009

Squid docs

I've started writing up some of my notes from Squid consulting into something (mostly) fit for public consumption.

This is partly to aid myself and partly to try and stop others from finding and fixing the same mistakes.

The fledgling documentation dump is here . I'll be adding more to it as I type up more notes and complete more work!

1 comment:

dotfish said...

From your "Squid SNMP Statistics: Using MRTG" page, I downloaded and followed the instructions in the REARME file and I am getting so many errors when running mrtg with mrtg.cfg file created by the script, I tried googling but it didnt helped, wondering would you be able to help me out in this or is it the right place to ask for help?

Btw the following command works without any problem

#snmpwalk -m /usr/local/etc/squid/mib.txt -v2c -Cc -c public localhost:3401 .

My System as follows
OS Freebsd 7.2

Below are few of the errors I am getting
Unknown SNMP var cacheServerRequests
at /usr/local/bin/mrtg line 2202
Unknown SNMP var cacheServerRequests
at /usr/local/bin/mrtg line 2202
Unknown SNMP var cacheUptime
at /usr/local/bin/mrtg line 2202
Unknown SNMP var cacheSoftware
at /usr/local/bin/mrtg line 2202
Unknown SNMP var cacheVersionId

Just some clues would be very helpful to me
Thanx In advance adn sorry if I am asking for help at a wrong place.